OA Checklist & tips - Open access - Universiteitsbibliotheek, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

lterrat's bookmarks 2017-05-18


From Google Translate: "Open Access publishing begins in many cases the subsidieaanvraag.Op keep abreast of all developments relating to the agreements with publishers and which moreover is and is not difficult. The library can help. Have questions about the following or other questions regarding open access, please contact the team via OA openaccess.ub@vu.nl . 

This checklist for investigators can determine started:  During project proposal - Check whether the research funding demands publish OA  - Check whether there can be included a budget proposal for the APCs (Article Processing Charges)  - Check whether via research funding other arrangements are made with publishers  while writing or submitten a manuscript - Check on the website of the University Library with the Open Access Journal Browser for welke journals OA arrangements have been made  - Check the website also the terms and workflow editors - Note that the correspondance thing author has an affiliation with the VU  - Sometimes for a waiver submitten code or voucher to be applied (see details various publishers), take in this case, contact the university Library via openaccess.ub@vu.nl - in doubt, do not hesitate to contact the UB via openaccess.ub@vu.nl  during submitten - always use your VU or VUmc email and work address  - Specify when submitten that To publish OA or give the waiver code  after publication - look at SHERPA / RoMEO which version of the article (eg. pre-print or post-print) should be made freely available at any time  - Upload the final version of the article in a reliable and sustainable repository such as the PURE repository of the university, possibly subject to an embargo period 

PS: archiving of research data in a repository and sharing personal items requested transfer as well to open and transparent science! "



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Date tagged:

05/18/2017, 20:44

Date published:

05/18/2017, 16:44