Institusional Repository Perpustakaan – baiqnury

lterrat's bookmarks 2017-05-30


From Google Translate: "In the definition of Lynch (2003) emphasizes that the repository is a set of services developed by a university (institution) in the form of management and dissemination of various academic activities of the academic community in the form of digital material. To develop the services as stated in the aforementioned devinisi, universities need to build infrastructure that utilizes information technology with certain specifications. In the definition of ware (2004: in bailey 2005) view the repository as a scientific communication infrastructure (scholarly communication) that must meet the provisions include:

  1. The repository infrastructure is a database or Web-based repository (online) to collect, store and distribute various types of scholarly material produced by an institution (college).
  2. Can store data cumulative (in increasing quantity), can serve as long-term preservation and prepetual or can be accessed continuously in open (open)
  3. It uses OAI-compliant software so it has a reliable interoperability level."


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » lterrat's bookmarks


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Date tagged:

05/30/2017, 20:30

Date published:

05/30/2017, 16:30