chem-bla-ics: As a PhD student, I was often confronted with Closed Access.

lterrat's bookmarks 2017-06-25


"STM industry claiming that Sci-Hub does not contribute to the scholarly community is plain outright FUD. In fact, it's outright lies. The fact that Nature does not call out those lies in their write up is very disappointing, indeed.

I do not know if it is the ultimate solution, but I strongly believe in a knowledge dissemination system where knowledge can be freely read, modified, and redistributed. Whether Open Science, or gold Open Access. Therefore, I am proud to be one of the 10 Open Access proponents at Maastricht University. And a huge thank you to our library to keep pushing Open Access in Maastricht."


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Date tagged:

06/25/2017, 21:54

Date published:

06/25/2017, 17:54