Wichtige Frage zu VG Wort und Open Access | Archivalia

lterrat's bookmarks 2017-08-23


From Google Translate: "Can it be that this contract actually makes it impossible to publish open access under a CC0 or CC-by license, or do I overlook something?

I am concerned mainly with § 4: 'Notwithstanding the granting of rights pursuant to §§ 1, 2 to VG WORT, the claimant nevertheless retains the right to grant to everyone the right to use his works for non-commercial purposes. If he wishes to make use of this, he must notify the VG WORT license in text form at least two weeks before naming the work, licensee, type and extent of the rights granted. Billing and distribution by VG WORT does not occur in these cases. The exercise of statutory remuneration claims remains unaffected.'

For me, it sounds as if I could publish after such a perception agreement, for example, under CC-by-nc (attribution, non-commercial), as far as I the VG word before. But CC-by would be excluded, because this would also allow a * commercial * use.

Can this really be? If so, it would not mean that authors who want to publish at least * also * under CC-by and similar licenses, can not conclude a perceptual agreement with the VG Wort and consequently also for any "closed access" publications (eg an essay in A normal publisher's publication or a textbook) would in principle not receive any distributions?"



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Date tagged:

08/23/2017, 23:20

Date published:

08/23/2017, 19:21