Journal publishers’ Big Deals: Are they worth it?

protohedgehog's bookmarks 2017-05-11


Evaluating the cost/benefit of the 'Big Deal' at the Universite de Montreal.

"At each stage of the process of analysis and renegotiations, we created multiple opportunities for discussion among our personnel, the faculty union, departments, senior administrators, and students’ groups. Every effort was made to remind members of our community of their role in the scholarly publishing ecosystem and of the alternatives available to them, starting with Open Access publishing...."


From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks
Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » protohedgehog's bookmarks

Tags: oa.big_deals oa.publishers oa.subscriptions oa.universities oa.cancellations oa.libraries oa.canada oa.elsevier oa.negotiations oa.hei

Date tagged:

05/11/2017, 15:00

Date published:

05/11/2017, 04:39