Knowledge Unlatched unlatches 1250+ titles – Knowledge Unlatched
infodocketGARY's bookmarks 2018-03-19
The team of Knowledge Unlatched (KU), the central platform for the sustainable funding of Open Access (OA) models, is pleased to announce a further increase in support from publishers for its activities. In preparation of its fifth funding round, which for the first time contains content from all research disciplines covering the Humanities, the Social Sciences and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Medicine) subjects, the team has just announced the current number of submissions and publisher partners.
“With 1,250 title submissions we have surpassed our own targets by far,” says Max Mosterd from Knowledge Unlatched. “Our Title Selection Committee is currently busy reviewing the submitted titles and selecting the most relevant content.” Titles come from 70 publishers, among them 17 presses who are participating in the KU crowdfunding model for the first time.
The KU Title Selection Committee consists of librarians from around the world who will guarantee that those titles selected are the most relevant for users worldwide. The number of Committee members has increased from 40 to almost 170. Members are currently reviewing the titles submitted by publishers and have until the end of March to select those titles most relevant to users all over the world. Pledging for KU Select 2018 will begin at the end of April this year.