National licence negotiations advancing the open access transition – a view from the UK

infodocketGARY's bookmarks 2018-04-24


Jisc Collections has had agreements with open access (OA) publishers since the mid-2000s. In 2014, following the UK government’s response to the Finch Report, it started to target hybrid OA via ‘offsetting agreements’ that covered both subscriptions and article processing charges for OA.

This article will provide a status update on OA negotiations in the UK in the context of the UK’s progress towards OA. It will look at some of the concerns about the progress of OA in the UK, how negotiations have evolved in response, and will look at prospects for their future direction.


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » infodocketGARY's bookmarks

Tags: oa.licensing oa.hybrid oa.jisc oa.transition oa.offsets oa.repositories oa.libre oa.journals oa.negotiations oa.negotiation

Date tagged:

04/24/2018, 13:51

Date published:

04/24/2018, 09:51