AITA for not helping an obese woman get up after she refused my help the first time?

reddit: the front page of the internet 2019-08-20

I was at a coffee shop and a woman came in with a scooter. At a certain point she went to the restroom, she left the scooter parked outside, went in, and on the way out, as she was trying to get back on the scooter she fell down, pretty bad.

As I was near, I rushed to see if everything was ok or to see if something serious happened, cause it was a super loud noise.

When she saw me coming near her she said “ don’t touch me I’m fine “, in a really agressive angry voice.

I said ok, I just wanted to see if she needed any help, and she replied “ I dont need your help”, again super angry.

I wasn’t the only one that got up and got closer to her, but I was the first one, cause I was sitting right by the restroom

Cool, went back to my table, and saw her struggling to get up. Then one of the baristas came, and asked if she could help, the woman tried to get up again and failed, so she let the barista help her.

She couldn’t help her alone, as the woman was quite big. So another person went to help, a costumer, but they were still struggling to lift her up.

The barista, which was not present when she refused my help, turned to me and asked if I could help and I said “ I was trying to, but she told me to back off, so yeah, I’m good”.

I kept sitting down then another costumer came then another working person and then they finally got her up and back on the scooter.

They all gave me dirty looks and everything went back to normal

Am I the asshole for refusing to help her after she was extremely rude and refused my help at first?


submitted by /u/wollycow to r/AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]