My(28M) wife(27F) left me for 3 months and recently begged me to take her back, I said no and no everyone seems to be against me, I need some advice strangers

reddit: the front page of the internet 2019-11-22

Well let me give some background information as the situation will be hard to understand without it.

7 years ago I got married to the girl of my dreams Denise(Fake name), we had been dating for 2 years before that and it was like a dream come true, that changed after our marriage. After our marriage she constantly started feeling down and out of it and eventually I got her to go to a doctor who sent her to a therapist and from there we found out she had depression to do with things from her past that she was trying to forget. I decided to be as supportive as I could be, I took care of most of the house work, despite working 40 hours a week and told her to just get herself in order and if she needed to talk to me I would be there for her.

That was 6 and a half years ago, before she left she was still depressed, she basically only lays in bed and complains, she does nothing, we had no intimacy, no sex, no cuddles, no going out, my entire day was filled with work and house work. Day in and day out I worked my ass off, came home to a mess of a house and started cleaning up, starting dinner and so forth at the end of the day I was exhausted and all I could expect was for Denise to unload more of her trouble on me and complain about herself, me and everything around her. I could not even hang out with my buddies to get away from it all as she would relentlessly call me saying she was scared and everything so I also had no social life, not that I had time for it anyway...But despite it all I pushed through hoping that sooner or later she would break out of it and we could have a proper life together as I loved her and as they say for better and worse and this was quite clearly worse, possibly the worst it would ever be.

4 months ago she got a new therapist and 3 months ago that therapist suggested she needed time away from me as her depression started when we married so I may be the cause of it, the moment she told me I was crushed, I started doubting myself, blaming myself, worrying, but beneath it all this creeping sense of having done everything for her, having sacrificed years of my life as a cashcow and a servant for her to lay in bed and this is my thanks? It is my fault now? But I rejected that feeling, trying to talk through it, but she decided to leave and stay with her mother, saying she needed time away from me and that I may be the cause of her depression and so forth, honestly the entire argument is a blur in my head.

I spend the next month when she moved out calling her, her family, begging and humiliating myself just to get her back, apologizing for everything I may have done wrong, honestly I was close to ending it all as I was so hopeless at that point. But that month passed and as it passed I couldn't help but feel relieved, I came home and it was quiet, I could indulge in my hobbies which I had not done in years, the place was not a mess every time I came home, I could relax and two months in I even realized I could hang out with my buddies again, grabbing a beer, enjoying life and slowly I started to realize that I had been miserable this entire time. Slowly that turned in to more and more realizations before I realized I honestly did not love her anymore, I felt like my youth was wasting away, I could do much, much better than this, I felt like I was a caretaker of a handicapped old lady, hell I still looked good and as I went out I started once again gaining back my self confidence, women would flirt with me, I felt wanted even though I never did flirt back.

After all these realizations I suddenly got a call from my wife, saying she made a huge mistake, she was sobbing her eyes out and how she was an idiot taking the therapists words as fact and how much she loved me. For a moment I wanted to say yes, yes please come back...But I couldn't, I just blurted it out and said to her she had left me and I was done with this relationship, I told her I would get divorce papers and I told her I had wasted enough time as it was and this final action of hers was the nail in the coffin, after that I just dropped the phone, started crying for a bit before turning in and feeling liberated.

The issue now is, is that everyone in my family is telling me I am making a mistake, I should take her back, I owe it to her to try and make it work, marriage is not always fun etc. The thing is, I never had fun in this marriage, I can't remember the last time I had fun and wasn't miserable, we are both young and fit and we never even go out, hell the last time we had sex is over a year ago, all I am to her is a fucking servant as it seems and I rather live along then spend one more hour taking care of her. But on the other end, I doubt myself, am I really dumping someone that is depressed? I feel horrible about it, I feel like a failure...I just need advice.

EDIT: Wow, I stepped away from my phone for a while and return to a ton of comments, thank you all so much, I will try to read them all.

EDIT 2: While I have a hard time defending my wife right now, let me clarify something that is popping up in some comments. I know for a fact that she did not sleep around with anyone while we were separated.

submitted by /u/ThrowRAHelpmi to r/relationship_advice [link] [comments]