Free the Science: One Scholarly Society’s bold vision for open access and why it matters now more than ever – IO: In The Open

Amyluv's bookmarks 2017-10-01




Free the Science: One Scholarly Society’s bold vision for open access and why it matters now more than ever

By Ellen Finnie

The Electrochemical Society, a small nonprofit scholarly society founded in 1902, has an important message for all of us who are concerned about access to science.   Mary Yess, Deputy Executive Director and Chief Content Officer and Publisher, could not be clearer about the increased urgency of ECS’ path:  “We have got to move towards an open science environment. It has never been more important – especially in light of the recently announced ‘gag orders’ on several US government agencies– to actively promote the principles of open science.”    What they committed to in 2013 as an important open access initiative has become, against the current political backdrop, truly a quest to “free the science.”


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Date tagged:

10/01/2017, 00:37

Date published:

09/30/2017, 20:37