Promoting human rights through science | Science

Amyluv's bookmarks 2017-10-06


"Inspired by the work of the AAAS Science and Human Rights Coalition (AAAS is the publisher of Science), we asked young scientists this question: Describe how applications of knowledge in your field (information, methodologies, services, and/or products) could support civil, political, economic, social, or cultural rights. We received responses from scientists around the world representing a variety of fields. From those protecting health and access to health care, to those working toward a safe and sustainable environment, to those concerned with citizens' rights to the best information available, respondents passionately described the benefits that their research can bring to vulnerable people. Excerpts of their responses are printed here."


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Date tagged:

10/06/2017, 12:39

Date published:

10/06/2017, 08:39