Textbook prices lead to hindered education | Opinion | breezejmu.org

Amyluv's bookmarks 2017-10-17


"Many students are familiar with the almost overwhelming costs of pricey college textbooks. On top of tuition and room-and-board fees, these prices can leave a dent in your bank account. In fact, College Board recommends that students budget over $1,200 a year for textbooks and supplies. But what’s sparked much debate is whether students should be required to pay for their textbooks on top of the hefty tuition expected by universities. Throughout high school, students are given a layout of how their lives should be. They’re expected to get their high school diplomas, then college degrees in order to have wonderful, successful careers in life. However, with massive-sized tuition prices as well as the stress of having to buy books on top of that, students are struggling to find ways to afford these high-end prices."



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Date tagged:

10/17/2017, 16:24

Date published:

10/17/2017, 12:24