Systems and incentives – Gavia Libraria

Amyluv's bookmarks 2017-10-29


"Systems and incentives 29 October 2017 Scholarly communication

In one of her classes, the Loon asks her students to think through, fairly systematically, how they might bring about a change they wish to see in the world. For the most part they do not find this a simple assignment—for many of them, it is the first time they have been required to descend from the lofty heights of clueless punditry into the swamps of systems and incentives. Honestly, this frustrates the Loon. They ought to be better at this; how can they not see collective action problems, catch-22s, perverse incentives, responsibility/authority splits?"


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Date tagged:

10/29/2017, 19:25

Date published:

10/29/2017, 15:25