Conclusion: Writing Center Scholarship as Case Study | SpringerLink

Amyluv's bookmarks 2017-11-26


"This final chapter opens with anecdotes that describe the major implications of the current digital/print publication spectrum. The major takeaway is that authors at all levels should seek to be more transparent about the intricacies of publishing. Mentors should embolden students to not just publish, but to seek out open-access venues that challenge their abilities as composers. If teachers encourage students to read and publish in innovative formats early in their careers, they will likely develop less resistance to reading and publishing in these new venues when they enter the academy. Writing center scholars, in particular, must ask what “access for all” as a guiding principle means in light of the many barriers to accessing the resources that define and sustain writing center studies’ disciplinarity." 


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11/26/2017, 10:34

Date published:

11/26/2017, 05:34