TIB joins supporters of Fair Open Access – MathOA

Kirstine's bookmarks 2017-12-17


"The German National Library of Science and Technology has signed up to support Fair Open Access via FOAA.  Quoting from the press release:

Prof. Johan Rooryck, President of FOAA, was pleased to welcome the German National Library of Science and Technology on board: “TIB has agreed to support one of the journals of Mathematics in Open Access (MathOA) that are flipping to Fair Open Access. TIB is the first Supporting Participant to join us since we started FOAA in the summer of 2017, and we hope to welcome many more libraries and organisations in the future. We have set up a participant program for this purpose.”



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Date tagged:

12/17/2017, 10:00

Date published:

12/17/2017, 05:00