The EU Open Access Fight Continues

Kirstine's bookmarks 2018-11-23


wrote here about a European plan to mandate open-access scientific publication – one whose sweep many found startling when it was proposed. And some of the ones who were startled were researchers themselves, it seems – here’s an open letter opposing the plan as written. Chemists seem to be among those leading the charge, because as written, “Plan S” would probably take away the greatest number of well-regarded publishing venues from that field. 


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Tags: oa.comment oa.plan_s oa.negative oa.debates oa.preprints oa.business_models oa.economics_of oa.boycotts oa.publishers oa.journals oa.hybrid oa.versions oa.europe

Date tagged:

11/23/2018, 07:55

Date published:

11/23/2018, 02:55