European Open Science Cloud – Öffentlich finanzierte Forschungsdaten zugänglich machen (European Open Science Cloud - Making publicly funded research data accessible)

Kirstine's bookmarks 2019-03-30


The Launch Event of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) took place in the Grand Reading Room of the University of Vienna on 23 November last year as part of the Austrian Presidency of the Council of the European Union . 

In Europe, large amounts of data are produced, analyzed and shared with colleagues on a daily basis by researchers. Part of the research is funded by public funds. For example, the European Commission alone has been funding projects worth more than € 120 billion over the past ten years. Research data is an important part of scientific practice, not only to validate results, but also to formulate further research questions. This data is at the center of the EOSC.


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Date tagged:

03/30/2019, 06:52

Date published:

03/30/2019, 02:52