Pourquoi les données de recherche ne sont-elles pas publiées? (Why are research data not published?)

Kirstine's bookmarks 2020-01-03


From Google's English: 

'The article describes the reasons why researchers do not share their research data. From a session during a BarCamp of the Leibniz Scientific Community and the results of the eDissPlus project on research data related to doctoral theses, the author groups and comments on the explanations and arguments for not submitting and / or open research data in a data warehouse. These are technical or legal reasons but also personal attitudes or lack of appropriate resources. Three issues are identified: the disproportion between effort and profit, an unclear legal situation and a lack of operational infrastructure.'



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Date tagged:

01/03/2020, 11:08

Date published:

01/03/2020, 06:08