L’Europa sceglie la Ricerca Open Access | Scienza in Rete

alespierno's bookmarks 2017-11-26


[Google translation] Europe chooses Open Access Search.

Before 2020 all European-funded research will have to be Open Access. The euphemistic decision of the Competitiveness Council will annul the reason for the existence of scientific piracy. Here's how everything could change.




From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » alespierno's bookmarks


oa.italian oa.europe oa.horizon2020 oa.open_science oa.declarations oa.sci-hub oa.publishers oa.copyright oa.piracy oa.guerrilla

Date tagged:

11/26/2017, 05:23

Date published:

11/26/2017, 00:23