Se davvero vuoi onorare Stephen Hawking, qui puoi leggere i suoi paper gratis - Motherboard

alespierno's bookmarks 2018-03-22


[From Google translate] If you really want to honor Stephen Hawking, here you can read his papers for free

A snooty article two days after Hawking's disappearance would begin something like this: "The day Stephen Hawking died, my News Feed was literally filled with people who shared articles and photos of the late genius of physics. and saddened, but I'm pretty sure that almost none of them have an idea of what the scope of his research in the field of astrophysics really was - for most people, in fact, Stephen Hawking is nothing but 'the physical in a wheelchair who speaks with the vocoder ',' the one who has twice married who knows how 'or at most' the theory of the whole 'To make it short, more a pop icon than a scientist.


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Tags: oa.italian oa.people oa.universities oa.physics oa.sci-hub oa.hei oa.journals oa.guerrilla

Date tagged:

03/22/2018, 08:11

Date published:

03/22/2018, 04:11