Presidente Regione domani a Bruxelles per incontrare parlamentari nord-ovest e istituzioni Ue (2) | Imprese Lavoro

alespierno's bookmarks 2018-06-20


[Google translate] President of the Region tomorrow in Brussels to meet Northwest parliamentarians and EU institutions (2)

Milan - The Commission proposes to allocate €226 billion over seven years to the ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) and €100 billion to ESF+ (European Social Fund Plus) (amounts are calculated at current prices). The Cohesion Fund, which does not concern Italy, will be able to count on almost 47 billion euros. A novelty of the Commission's proposal is the ESF+ which will combine the resources allocated in the current period 2014-2020 to the ESF, the Youth Guarantee (Youth Employment Initiative), the European Aid Fund for the Most Deprived (FEAD), the EaSI (Employment and Social Innovation) Programme and the Third Health Programme. For the ERDF, a closer link is proposed with the European Semester of economic policy coordination and structural reforms in the Member States (in particular through the National Reform Programmes) through the new Reform Support Programme to which €25 billion are allocated. For the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), the Commission confirmed the use of the following funds: European Agricultural Guarantee Fund (EAGF), €286 billion; European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD), €78.8 billion. In the maritime and fisheries sector, the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) has been confirmed, with an amount of 6.1 billion euro: the objective is to support sustainable fishing and coastal communities that depend on economic activities linked to the sea. An important expenditure chapter is confirmed for what concerns direct European funding, i.e. the so-called Direct Management (PGD) Programmes of the EU. In fact, the European Commission has planned a considerable increase in resources for PGDs, of which the most well-known are mentioned: Horizon Europe, which in the wake of Horizon 2020 will be the European programme for research and innovation, with an amount of 97.6 billion euros. The Programme will be organised in three pillars: Open Science, Global Challenges and Industrial Competitiveness, Open Innovation; Erasmus+, dedicated to education, training, youth and sport with 30 billion euros; LIFE, confirming the European Programme for Environment and Climate Action with 5.45 billion euros; Europa Creativa, the programme that supports European culture, with 1.85 billion euros; Justice, Rights and Values, which brings together the current "Rights, Equality and Citizenship", "Europe for Citizens" and "Justice" programmes, to which the Juncker Commission proposes to allocate 947 million euros. Finally, the European Commission has proposed the creation of the Digital Europe Programme, an initiative dedicated to the digital transformation of public services and businesses, including investments in information and data, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity and advanced digital skills. The Commission intends that the Digital Europe Programme will have €9.194 billion at its disposal.


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06/20/2018, 13:18

Date published:

06/20/2018, 09:18