El 90% de la investigación clínica española se gestiona con Fund@net Suite

alespierno's bookmarks 2018-07-22


[Google transl.] 90% of Spanish clinical research is managed with Fund@net Suite Fund@net Suite is the most widely used clinical research management software in Spanish centres. More than 18,000 researchers daily use this specialized software designed by Semicrol, which aims to improve the quality of research through innovation and thus increase the efficiency of management processes. [...] Advantages of Open Access Now, in addition to offering a comprehensive solution to achieve excellence in research management processes, the Cantabrian firm has incorporated an Open Access institutional repository into its service portfolio. Open Access to information and knowledge through the Internet is part of an innovative model of communication in the digital environment, aimed at achieving universal access to information and knowledge, without economic barriers and without restrictions derived from copyright. Open Access facilitates the return on investment in research, making available to the scientific community a large volume of data derived from research processes. On the other hand, it helps the digital inclusion of citizens by offering researchers, teachers, students, institutions and citizens in general the full text contents. Policies in favour of Open Access are being promoted and developed by national and European governments, institutions and funding bodies. In fact, policies are being developed to promote Open Access in all areas, taking as a starting point that research carried out with public funding should also have a public final destination. The European Union requires that all peer-reviewed research articles or manuscripts be deposited in an online repository. In Spain, the Law on Science, Technology and Innovation 14/2011, of 1 June 2011, provides that all publicly supported research must include in open access an electronic version of the contents accepted for publication.



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Date tagged:

07/22/2018, 11:36

Date published:

07/22/2018, 07:36