Les plateformes d'Open Access en agriculture, un nouvel enjeu - Mission pour la Science et la Technologie de l'Ambassade de France aux Etats-Unis

ab1630's bookmarks 2018-01-13


Google English: "Open Access platforms in agriculture, a new challenge

The "Open Access" or "free access" allows the putting online of digital content, text or multimedia, available to the user, free of rights. Open Access is of particular interest in the scientific field because it accelerates the dissemination of research results. Researchers, such as research organizations and agencies, have looked at various alternatives. The recent impeachment of the researchgate network, one of the main networks of researchers, by several scientific journals offering paid access to their articles, raises new questions about possible strategies (http://www.sciencemag.org / news / 2017/10 / publishers-take-ResearchGATE-short-alleging massive copyright-infringement-)..."



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oa.new oa.french oa.researchgate oa.obstacles oa.strategies oa.stem oa.agriculture oa.platforms oa.infrastructure

Date tagged:

01/13/2018, 14:09

Date published:

01/13/2018, 09:09