Dissemin綠色開放近用管道突破付費牆 – Enago英論閣 部落格:論文撰寫與科學研究發表支援

ab1630's bookmarks 2018-01-23


Google English: "Dissemin green open nearly pipeline breakthrough paywall

Green open access (Green OA) allows readers to access research papers by opening up the Near-User (OA) Knowledge Base. Although the peer review process for traditional (subscription) journals remains the same, published research dissertations are now available through Green OA. The academic journals will decide which versions of the papers are available through Green OA because they have the right to the final published version. Green OA should be distinguished from Gold OA. In Green OA, articles are freely available outside of the publisher's website, such as the University Knowledge Base or the Investigator's homepage...."



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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » ab1630's bookmarks


oa.new oa.dissemin oa.green oa.chinese oa.gold oa.repositories oa.journals

Date tagged:

01/23/2018, 16:02

Date published:

01/23/2018, 11:05