Open Data for a more Open Society | Cleantech Solutions

ab1630's bookmarks 2018-02-08


"...While online and social media companies continue to use data for traditional financial aims, a new trend of entrepreneurs and app-activists see opportunities to improve the state of the world by making sense of the data deluge we have on hand. is one of those app-activists, and while we employ similar tools on the back-end, our motivation is less financial, and more focused on individual empowerment which we feel will result in stronger, more unified communities.

We believe citizens possess exactly the same rights to their data as they have over their physical bodies and money....According to the European Commission’s European Data Portal, the estimated cumulative value of open data in the EU between 2016 and 2020 will be 325 billion euros. The use and reuse of data in every aspect of human life (work, pleasure, etc) is of tremendous value. While the EU will continue to actively research the topic on a macro level, will continue researching at a micro level and share it with anybody interested in our findings.."


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » ab1630's bookmarks

Tags: oa.principles oa.reuse oa.policies oa.debates

Date tagged:

02/08/2018, 16:45

Date published:

02/08/2018, 11:49