Politique d’Open Access dédiée au secteur agricole et agroalimentaire aux états unis - Evaluation de son impact sur les publications scientifiques - Office for Science & Technology of the Embassy of France in the United States

ab1630's bookmarks 2018-02-10


Google English: "Open Access policy dedicated to the agriculture and agri-food sector in the United States - Evaluation of its impact on scientific publications.... We wanted to discuss the USDA ARS Open Access policy and tools and evaluate their potential impact on the level of scientific publications in the US Midwestern region, conventionally known as "corn belt "and hosting the historic universities in agriculture and agronomy, but also at the scale of all the United States. Finally, we sought to list the links being built between American and European Open Access platforms.

Finally, the European Union has just proposed to finance an open scientific publishing platform for the beneficiaries of research projects funded under Horizon 2020. In addition, the European Union, the NSF ( National Science Foundation), the US National Institute of Standards and Technology and the Australian Innovation Department have come together as part of the "research data alliance" which includes 6400 members in 133 countries (data as of January 2018) while the project of Open Access OpenAIRE-Advance H2020 has just been launched (January 12, 2018)..."



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Date tagged:

02/10/2018, 14:57

Date published:

02/10/2018, 10:08