Two UMD courses will have free online textbook access in the fall - The Diamondback

ab1630's bookmarks 2018-03-14


"Two University of Maryland biology courses will be among many in the University System of Maryland to offer students free online textbook access next year with the help of a system grant program. BSCI201 and 202, introductory courses in human anatomy and physiology, will use a free, open-source textbook from OpenStax beginning in the fall, said biology professor Sara Lombardi. To make the switch, university lecturers for the courses received a $1,500 grant from the Maryland Open Source Textbook initiative, which offers grants to encourage faculty to utilize open educational resources. The grants were announced March 6...."


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Date tagged:

03/14/2018, 11:41

Date published:

03/14/2018, 07:41