Editorial: Acesso aberto, repositórios, portais de publicações, preservação e comportamento informacional no contexto acadêmico | Santos | RDBCI: Revista Digital de Biblioteconomia e Ciência da Informação

ab1630's bookmarks 2018-05-04


Google English: "Editorial: Open access, repositories, portals of publications, preservation and informational behavior in the academic context

Gildenir Carolino Santos, Danielle Thiago Ferreira


We are pleased to launch another issue of RDBCI, volume16, issue 2, from May to August 2017, which brings the theme "Open access, repositories, publications portals, preservation and informational behavior in the academic context" as a theme for this edition.

Key words

Biblioteconomia - Editorial. Information Science - Editorial

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Date tagged:

05/04/2018, 14:55

Date published:

05/04/2018, 10:55