OA Button lancia nuovi servizi per la fornitura dei documenti | Bibliosan 2.0

ab1630's bookmarks 2018-05-27


Google English: "OA Button launches new services for the supply of documents

The Open Access Button has recently added important new features to facilitate and improve the document delivery service and contribute to savings in terms of time and costs for libraries offering this service.

The new functions, which can be integrated with the document delivery system used, are:

DeliverOA (for librarians)

Find versions of open access items and deliver them directly within the program used for document delivery service. This makes it easy to offer researchers the open access version of the paid items they need.

OAsheet (for librarians)

It allows you to find many open access items at the same time by sending to OA Button a list of articles for which you want to look for the open access version.

Embed OA (for users)

It allows to integrate within the library site the search bar (through DOI, URL or title) that allows users to find open access versions of paid items using accredited sources.

The integration of OA Button with the document delivery service contributes to the Open Access cause as it encourages authors to file their work in open archives and at the same time sensitizes them to the importance of sharing knowledge in order to guarantee the circulation of knowledge."



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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) ยป ab1630's bookmarks


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Date tagged:

05/27/2018, 15:27

Date published:

05/27/2018, 11:28