Plan science ouverte - Université Angers

ab1630's bookmarks 2018-07-11


Google English: "Open science: the AU already in the movement 

Frédérique Vidal, Minister of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, unveiled on July 4, 2018 a national plan for open science. Objective: to make available to all, free of charge, publications and research data. For 5 years already, the University of Angers has been carrying out actions in this direction with its scientific community.

The explanations of Philippe Simoneau, Vice-President Research of the AU.

Frédérique Vidal wants to "make open science one of [her] priorities," by making it mandatory for open access dissemination of publications and books resulting from research funded by public projects. It also wants to make available a maximum of data on which this research is based. What does it inspire you?

Philippe Simoneau: It is in line with the policy that the AU has been carrying since 2013, when the institution adopted a mandate for open access, calling on its researchers to make the results of their research freely available. This will is also part of our school plan...."


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Date tagged:

07/11/2018, 15:10

Date published:

07/11/2018, 11:10