Hypothesis Annotation Now Live on COS Open Science Framework Preprints โ€“ Hypothesis

ab1630's bookmarks 2018-07-25


"In Feb 2018, Hypothesis and the Center for Open Science (COS) announced their collaboration to bring open annotation to Open Science Framework (OSF) Preprints and the growing community of preprint servers hosted on OSF. Today, we are proud to announce that open annotation is now live, starting with OSF Preprints, SocArXiv, PsyArXiv, BITSS, EngrXiv, PaleorXiv, SportrXiv, Thesis Commons, MarXiv, INarXiv, NutriXiv, EarthArxiv, and the newest member of the community AfricArxiv. Annotation on preprints will increase transparency in scientific practices by enabling researchers to collaborate, discuss research with peers, and share additional information directly on preprints both before and after they are posted. The partnership builds on the foundations laid by the publication of web annotation as a standard by the W3C, the pioneering work by Hypothesis to build an open annotation infrastructure, and by COS to offer OSF, a comprehensive platform for open scientific research and publication...."



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Date tagged:

07/25/2018, 18:10

Date published:

07/25/2018, 14:13