Was bedeutet Offene Wissenschaft (#openscience) für Sie? | ulrikewuttke

ab1630's bookmarks 2018-08-01


Google English: "What does open science (#openscience) mean for you?

...I was very pleased to give an impulse lecture on the topic of the University of Potsdam in the series "Uni Potsdam Career Talks" of the University of Potsdam Graduate School on 19.07.2018 and then in a panel discussion together with Niklas Hartman of the University Library Potsdam ( Specialist in Science and Research Data Coordinator) Caroline Fischer (Researcher at the Chair of Public and Nonprofit Management) and the audience.

The title of the keynote speech, "What does open science mean to you?", Was intentionally ambiguous, because open science is a little different for everyone, and, secondly, open science can really mean something for a scientist's career, and something positive , Thus, better documentation of the research process can lead to becoming a better scientist, protects a higher level of competence in research data management from data loss, and leads Open Access publications to make research more visible and immediately accessible and reusable.

Slides of the Keynote Speech (What is Open Science, Why is this topic important? Challenges and Barriers, Best Practice Examples for the Open Design of Your Own Research Practice and Many Related Links):

Download slides Impulse lecture (PPTX) (Zenodo)

Download slides Impulse presentation (PDF) (Figshare)..."



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Date tagged:

08/01/2018, 07:00

Date published:

08/01/2018, 03:01