Letter from Elsevier to Editors in Chief - Pure Mathematics Journals, Re: Resignation of Topology Editors | October 24, 2006

ab1630's bookmarks 2018-08-09


"...This August 2006, Elsevier received the resignation of the Editors of Topology. We regret this decision by the Editors as we have appreciated the opportunity to work with them to publish one of the math community's most historically significant journals. We are committed to the long term future of the journal and its archive and to build upon its impressive heritage.

Though we have attempted to address their concerns, it has become clear to us that the editors are not longer interested in working with a commercial publisher. We have made a series of proposals to the Editors of Topology and we will build on these going forward...."



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Date tagged:

08/09/2018, 08:28

Date published:

08/09/2018, 04:29