L’accès ouvert scientifique et le défi du partenariat avec les éditeurs – A Temps et à contre-Temps

ab1630's bookmarks 2018-08-14


Google English: "Open Scientific Access and the Partnership Challenge with Publishers

The end of July saw the announcement of important news on the open access front of scientific publications in Switzerland, known as open access or OA.

First of all, Le Courrier , at the end of the lake, announced on July 27 that the University of Lausanne wanted to "reach the goal of 100% [open access publications] by 2024". The academic institution had previously signaled its interest in the Berlin Declaration and Dora , two approaches to actively promote the OA and "to remove the automatic correlation between the impact factor of a scientific journal and the intrinsic quality of the contribution of a scientist ".

This article was further emphasized that four days later, the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) reported on the results of a European survey of open access scientific publications, with the good news that Switzerland first priority of this effort: "With 39% of publications in Open Access (OA), Switzerland occupies the first place in international comparison. Worldwide, just 30% of research results are freely available. " And the SNSF clearly reiterate the time scale of its OA policy: "The research funded by the SNSF contributes to this good result of Switzerland: about 50% of the publications that have emerged from it between 2011 and 2017 are freely accessible, and the FNS aims to achieve a 100% free access rate by 2020 through its OA policy. It supports the rapid use of new knowledge by science, the economy and society. "..."



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Date tagged:

08/14/2018, 14:19

Date published:

08/14/2018, 10:19