Community Liaison | Jobs@Educopia Institute

flavoursofopenscience's bookmarks 2020-01-15


*Exempt, Full-time position $85-90K/year 24-month contract Responsible to: Educopia Institute Executive Director, Katherine Skinner Job Description: This position will be responsible for helping to build a coalition to support an international pilot data trust for OA ebook usage information through an Andrew W. Mellon Foundation-funded project, “Developing a Pilot Data Trust for Open Access Ebook Usage.” This project is a collaboration led by Kevin Hawkins at the University of North Texas, with co-PIs Katherine Skinner (Educopia Institute), Lucy Montgomery and Cameron Neylon (Curtin University), Rebecca Welzenbach (University of Michigan), and Brian O’Leary (Book Industry Study Group). The position will work closely with the PIs to help refine and implement the international data trust, including its governance model, legal infrastructure, engagement strategies, data management policies, business plan, and member relationship structures. Working remotely, the community liaison will spread the word about our pilot project, invite participation from myriad stakeholder groups in the international data trust cooperative we are forming, and collaborate with prospective members on the data trust’s benefits, costs, governance, and service roster. As part of this work, the community liaison will attend a diverse range of conferences and meetings throughout the two years of the project to present about the work, including hosting focus groups, conducting interviews, and fostering connections with each of our stakeholder communities. These will include publishers, researchers, libraries, platforms, aggregators, funders, and others who either create or use OA ebook usage data. The individual recruited for this position must have professional experience in scholarly communication and must be a self-starter with a passionate belief in the importance of open infrastructure as a key component in the management of knowledge worldwide. [...]


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Tags: oa.publishing oa.scholcomm oa.publishing oa.educopia

Date tagged:

01/15/2020, 10:48

Date published:

01/15/2020, 05:48