A Book Sprint as a concurrent editorial process | CommonPlace, Series 2.2 Community-led Editorial Management

flavoursofopenscience's bookmarks 2022-11-23


Ruehling, B., & Piersig, K. (2022). A Book Sprint as a concurrent editorial process. Commonplace. https://doi.org/10.21428/6ffd8432.e1116e78

The Book Sprints method facilitates collaborative content production. A group of experts is guided by a facilitator to write, edit, and produce a book in five days. The strength of the method is the focus on collaboration. It allows the contributors to combine their different research approaches and experiences into a cohesive work. The outcome is not a collection of articles, but a co-authored book with a streamlined reader journey. [...]




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11/23/2022, 11:40

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11/23/2022, 06:40