OUCI - Open Ukrainian Citation Index

openacrs's bookmarks 2019-11-17


The Open Ukrainian Citation Index (OUCI) is a search engine and a citation database that come from all publishers that use the Crossref’s Cited-by service and supports the Initiative for Open Citations .

The OUCI is intended to simplify the search for scientific publications, to attract editorial attention to the problem of completeness and quality of the metadata of Ukrainian scholarly publications, and will allow bibliometrics to freely study the relations between authors and documents from various disciplines, in particular in the field of social sciences and humanities.

According to the principle of the OUCI, in the future every position of the list of used literature should ideally contain a DOI. Therefore, the OUCI search engine facilitates the process of verifying the sources used during writing.




11/17/2019, 14:52

From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » openacrs's bookmarks


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Date tagged:

11/17/2019, 19:44

Date published:

11/12/2019, 14:52