There is no black and white definition of predatory publishing | Impact of Social Sciences

openacrs's bookmarks 2020-05-18


The nature and extent of predatory publishing is highly contested. Whilst debates have often focused defining journals and publishers as either predatory or not predatory. Kyle Siler argues that predatory publishing encompasses a spectrum of activities and that by understanding this ambiguity, we can better understand and make value judgements over where legitimacy lies in scholarly communication.



05/18/2020, 03:05

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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) ยป openacrs's bookmarks

Tags: oa.publishing oa.predatory oa.peer_review oa.cabells oa.terminology oa.definitions

Date tagged:

05/18/2020, 07:05

Date published:

05/13/2020, 03:05