Library Support for Open Education | Open Science Talk

openacrs's bookmarks 2020-06-26


Mariann Løkse, head of Library Services, and Øystein Lund, head of the Resource Center for Teaching, Learning and Techology at UiT The Arctic University of Norway discuss library support for open education. They share their thoughts on online education in general and during a period of COVID-19 lockdown in particular. They talk us through information literacy, MOOCs, learning outcomes from online courses as compared to traditional classroom lectures, and a range of other aspects of open education.

During the discussion, the following web services and online documents are mentioned: iKomp (a MOOC on information literacy, in Norwegian and English); (a MOOC on pedagogical supervision, in Norwegian); (Mariann Løkse's contribution to a collection of articles dedicated to Stein Høydalsvik on his retirement, in Norwegian); (the doctoral thesis of Øystein Lund within the field of digital supervision and learning, in Norwegian).



06/26/2020, 13:44

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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » openacrs's bookmarks

Tags: oa.norway oa.oer oa.moocs oa.libraries oa.courseware

Date tagged:

06/26/2020, 17:44

Date published:

06/25/2020, 13:44