Côte d'Ivoire : Abidjan accueille la 7ème édition de la conférence annuelle du Réseau d'Education et de Recherche de l'Afrique de l'Ouest et du Centre (WACREN) - Abidjan.net News

openacrs's bookmarks 2022-04-25


The Ivorian economic capital, Abidjan will host on April 28 and 29, 2022 the annual conference of WACREN on "open science in Africa". This international event includes a pre-conference, meetings, workshops and the WACREN conference. This edition of the conference is dedicated to open science and it focuses on the UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science. Open science and data science are real opportunities to boost research actions and sustainable development. The UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science provides an international consensus framework for research communities, research funding agencies and research organizations to conduct activities guided by the principles of openness and transparency.  




04/25/2022, 08:57

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04/25/2022, 12:57

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04/24/2022, 08:57