"Transformative" Agreement Bingo | Brianne Selman

ioi_ab's bookmarks 2022-05-18


"Big Deal for APCs - Can't unbundle/ researcher expectations

Fees are not transparent/ proportionate to work done

Convoluted models & management (especially w/ “pretansformative”)

Encourages and increases hybrid journals

Global rise in OA has been Green or Diamond

Can't afford for every publisher

Adds publishing costs to Library budgets

Too expensive to do for smaller publishers

Where is the “Transformation”?

Even Sweden is out

Only an option for richer institutions/ countries

Shifts inequity to authors


Contributes to APC hyperinflation

Makes OA the prestige option / incentives exclusion

May promote publishers w/ TAs over those without

Further locks in prestige for those who can pay

Locks in increasing profit margins

Encourages further market consolidation and increases dependency

Further redistribution of public money to private entities

Leads to an erosion of varied publishing methods

Pushes out diamond OA publishers

Publishing governed by shareholders, not scholars

Investing in unethical data companies

Seize the means of production"




From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » ioi_ab's bookmarks


oa.new oa.games oa.journals oa.humor oa.publishing oa.offsets

Date tagged:

05/18/2022, 16:08

Date published:

05/18/2022, 12:08