Cita Press: Feminist Lit, Design, Open Acess | SXSW PanelPicker 2023

ioi_ab's bookmarks 2022-08-17


"In industries where many believe "IP is king," watching the same stories cycle throughout varying media can feel stifling and repetitive. However, our shared cultural heritages contain a vast, diverse trove of material that can and does inspire exciting new work. Readers and creators can get their hands on tens of thousands of books in the public domain, and curation and accessibility are essential to nurturing the legacies of works by marginalized and avant-garde artists. Cita Press is an open access, design-focused feminist press that honors the principles of decentralization, collective knowledge production, and equitable access to knowledge. Join us for a discussion on the visibility of important works from the past, and how we can help those works breath new life into our present...."


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) ยป ioi_ab's bookmarks

Tags: oa.publishers oa.publishing oa.cita

Date tagged:

08/17/2022, 17:21

Date published:

08/17/2022, 13:21