Scholarly Communication and Copyright Librarian, Georgetown University | May 2023

ioi_ab's bookmarks 2023-05-10


"The Scholarly Communication and Copyright Librarian develops, coordinates and promotes the growth of the Library’s scholarly communications programs and services, including outreach, training and support to faculty, students, and staff on copyright, fair use, open access, open education and scholarly publishing.  The incumbent also provides specialized research consultations and instruction services in these areas. The Scholarly Communication and Copyright Librarian supports digital scholarship by promoting the use of DigitalGeorgetown (DG), the Library’s institutional repository, as well as other scholarly communication tools provided by the Library. The incumbent advances the Library's scholarly communication initiatives by developing and maintaining collaborative partnerships within the Library and with faculty, staff and students, in order to facilitate a seamless, interdisciplinary, and university-wide network supporting faculty and students in research publication and impact...."


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » ioi_ab's bookmarks

Tags: oa.usa

Date tagged:

05/10/2023, 10:32

Date published:

05/10/2023, 06:32