OSTI.gov Newsletter | OSTI, Office of Scientific and Technical Information, USDOE

abernard102@gmail.com 2013-01-30


Use the link to access the full text newsletter from the Office of Scientific and Technical Information including the following articles: "[1]   DOE Tech Transfer Site Features First-of-its-Kind Search Capability ... The Department of Energy (DOE) Technology Transfer website has a new search tool. For the first time users can search tech transfer information across the DOE national laboratories with a single search box... [2] Happy 10th Anniversary, Science.gov ... Science.gov, the groundbreaking search and retrieval gateway to U.S. government science information, is celebrating its 10th anniversary. Through a one-stop search, this portal offers free access to R&D results from 17 organizations within 13 federal science agencies. Science.gov is hosted by OSTI and supported byCENDI, an interagency working group of senior scientific and technical information managers... [3] Information Bridge Records in Library Catalogs – MARC Format at No Cost ... It is probably no surprise that university libraries refer a great deal of traffic to OSTI. While many academic researchers are familiar with OSTI resources, countless others are either directed to an OSTI search tool by librarians or find an OSTI product on a library’s online database finder or subject guide.  One of OSTI’s outreach goals is to help more librarians to understand the wide breadth of scientific and technical resources available through OSTI.

DOE-sponsored research falls within every scientific discipline. A library that lists research databases by subject area should have the Information Bridge or Energy Citations Database under physics, chemistry, materials, biology, environmental sciences, engineering, geology, computer and information science, and medicine. Libraries that list OSTI products under multiple subject areas experience heavier use..."



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Date tagged:

01/30/2013, 13:17

Date published:

01/30/2013, 08:17