All open access scientific journals in one place: ROAD taking you the right way - Nacionalna i sveučilišna knjižnica u Zagrebu 2014-06-16


"You may now find all publicly available scientific serial publications in their full-text versions in one place, search this vast collection by type, subject, the coverage of these resources in various indexing and citation databases or by their start date, access full-text versions of scientific papers and articles or take over bibliographic records of journals. ROAD (Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources), a database containing scientific journals, conference proceedings, monographic series and academic repositories in open access, is a new project of the ISSN International Centre launched with the support of UNESCO. It has been publicly accessible since the beginning of 2014. The main purpose of ROAD is to enable access to all freely available scientific serial publications in one place, provide insight into the quality of open access scientific resources and academic research output and introduce new ways of using the ISSN. ROAD provides free access to bibliographic records in the ISSN International Register of scientific journals, conference proceedings, monographic series and academic repositories in open access whose content is published online and in print at the same time. Its resources may be searched by different criteria and records may be taken over in the MARC XML format. From among 1.7 million bibliographic records in 150 languages from more than 200 countries contained in the ISSN Register, ROAD has so far taken over 8598 bibliographic records of open access serial publications ..."


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06/16/2014, 17:01

Date published:

06/16/2014, 13:01