Alle skal have gratis adgang til forskningsresultater 2014-06-25
" ... A large part of the researchers' scientific articles are now hidden behind pay walls, so it requires a subscription or a tax each time you want to read a research article. This education and research minister Sofie Carsten Nielsen now, do away with and will be a new national strategy to ensure free digital access to scholarly articles in the future. - For example, when the practitioner and secondary teachers are free to read into the latest knowledge in their field, we can get better care and education, based on the latest research. Therefore, it is quite clear to me that research should be visible and accessible to all. We invest every year a lot of money in research and investment coming of society at large, says Sofie Carsten Nielsen. Complete access to all research results will not only increase the quality of public service, but will also benefit research and strengthen the innovativeness of enterprises, emphasizing Sofie Carsten Nielsen. - When our business proprietors can find research, they can use it for development. It creates growth, jobs and prosperity. It is particularly important for small and medium-sized enterprises, which today often have to pay for that access. At the same time, research is only helped by the fact that scientists are free to seek inspiration and update themselves with the latest knowledge - in other scientific fields other than their own, says Sofie Carsten Nielsen. An open access to researchers' work will also mean increased transparency, where several can be read with, and it can reduce the opportunities for plagiarism and cheating. steering committee will be responsible for implementation Sofie Carsten Nielsen has set up a national steering committee for Open Access, which will be responsible for coordinating the implementation of the strategy. The steering group comprises, among others, representatives of universities, libraries, and public and private foundations."
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