Clint Lalonde (BCcampus): Reflections on an Open Textbook Sprint | 2014-07-04


"We’re excited to work with all our collaborators and, as you may have picked up in previous posts. we’ve just started to work with BCcampus in British Columbia, Canada. More specifically, we are working with BCcampus Open Textbook Project, an initiative that is producing forty open textbooks for use by educators and students in British Columbia. The project is currently creating open textbooks in the 'most highly enrolled subject areas' in the province, having previously identified OER/open textbook material that can be reused and incorporated into the planned textbooks. During June 2014, educators came together to collectively author a Geography open textbook over a period of four days! Manager of Open Education, Clint Lalonde, kindly agreed to tell us more about the sprint. Read on for more on the project, why they chose to adopt the sprint method, how they made it a success and why they chose Geography as the focus …"


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Date tagged:

07/04/2014, 08:47

Date published:

07/04/2014, 04:46