Open Science: raw data set for processing speech published in the brain - research data for all - Conradin Publisher 2014-07-09


"Researchers who voluntarily share their complete raw data sets on the internet before they have them evaluated themselves? Until some time ago this was unthinkable, and even today many scientists shy away from an overly permissive data exchange before they have their results are not published and thus strengthened their reputation in professional circles. The Magdeburg psychologist Professor Michael Hanke from the Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg treading along with Dr. Joerg Stadler from the Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology and colleagues another way: Together they publish the first edition of the magazine Scientific Data from the Nature Publishing Group the most comprehensive set of raw data for processing speech in the brain. On the website he is each available to those interested. 'We got by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research funds to collect data. Now we see it as our duty to maximize the value of the research for the company,' explains Hanke, whose project was funded as part of a German-American cooperation within the Bernstein Network Computational Neuroscience. Specialist recognition get the brain researchers now by the quotes in the subject articles based on his raw data set. Known as the Open Science approach has the advantage that it accelerates the pace of scientific discovery: Competing research labs can simultaneously work on a subject, without slowing each other through restraint of the data publication. Even scientists need for inquiries - which are made years after the first publication in part - no more tedious the former survey reconstruct: The raw data have been prepared for sharing. This saves time and cost, which can be used in favor of further knowledge acquisition. In the Magdeburg data currently published it comes to the processing of acoustic stimuli. In the study, subjects listened to a Hörfilmversion classic Forrest Gump, while using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), their brain activity was measured in the processing of language, music, emotions, memories and pictorial representations. The record thus reflects not only an isolated brain function, but reflects the actual complexity of the information flow in everyday listening experiences. In addition to the entire fMRI data, the scientists provide comprehensive anatomical descriptions of the brains of all trial participants are available, as well as readings on breathing and heartbeat. Show which parts of the film, the audience was more excited or relaxed. In order to foster such interdisciplinary research projects, the Magdeburg Center for Behavioral Brain Sciences has awarded a prize of 5000 Euros for the best utilization of the published record ..."


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07/09/2014, 06:57

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07/09/2014, 02:57