Call for papers for IJGI Special Issue on "Open Geospatial Science and Applications" | 2014-08-10


"The last decade has seen a rapid growth in open source geospatial software and open data developments. Building upon the broader progress in open science, the synergies in the developments in open source geospatial software, open data, open standards, open hardware and open access to research publications have been key in accelerating the advancement for open geospatial science and applications. A combination of factors are driving this momentum, including the contributions made by hundreds of developers and the leading role played by the Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo), aiming primarily to support and promote the collaborative development of open source geospatial technologies and data. For the geospatial community this has offered exciting opportunities for expanding both research and education for the future. By combining the potential of free and open GI software, open data, open standards, open access to research publications, open hardware, etc. will enable the creation of a sustainable innovation ecosystem for advancing the discipline and accelerating new discoveries to help solve global cross disciplinary societal challenges from climate change mitigation to sustainable cities. We invite original research contributions on all aspects of open source geospatial software and its applications, and particularly encourage submissions focusing on the following themes for this Special Issue special issue of ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information (ISSN 2220-9964) ..."


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Tags: oa.cfp oa.osgeo oa.funders oa.geo oa.geodata oa.floss oa.open_science oa.standards oa.quality oa.economics_of oa.infrastructure oa.climate oa.environment

Date tagged:

08/10/2014, 07:50

Date published:

08/10/2014, 03:50