Udo Schuklenk's Ethx Blog: Endless fraud of fee-for-up-load Open Access 'publishing'

abernard102@gmail.com 2014-09-14


" ... So, I'm selective scientist (I'm not a scientist, I'm a philosopher), and if I submit before September 27 (!!!) I will get my up-load (aka Open Access fee) reduced (aka waived) by 50%. The motto of this fee-for-upload publication is 'easily accessible research information worldwide'. Cool. Why should I bother? Right, the journal wants my fee-for-upload 'publication', so that it can increase its own 'visibility'. Gotcha. Remarkably, this SPAM outfit boasts two University of Toronto academics on its Editorial Board. I wonder whether they are aware of the nature of the publication that they're listed on the Editorial Board on: Peter C Coyte, Vincent Maida. Other academics are listed without the academic institution even being mentioned. The usual. A hastily copy-pasted-together 'journal' website aiming to get suckers to send their articles and credit card details…  Why do academics support these kinds of outfits - well, do they? I'm not so sure even about that ..."



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Date tagged:

09/14/2014, 11:43

Date published:

09/14/2014, 07:42